The Aurochs: the comeback of a European icon
The Aurochs: the comeback of a European icon
The Aurochs, Born to be wild. The comeback of a European Icon. Extinct. Everyone of us has heard its name, but very few of us know anything about it. Still, it was the most important animal throughout the history of mankind. Without it, nothing in our society would have been the same. However, one could also say that the aurochs is still here. Yes, its wild form went extinct back in 1627, but its genes are still very much alive. Could we bring it back somehow? The aurochs was also one of the most important animals for the European ecosystems, a "keystone species", as ecologists say. | mehr
The Lost Worlds of Ancient America
The Lost Worlds of Ancient America
While digging out a new basement near Los Angeles, homeowners accidentally unearth a 3,000-year-old Phoenician altar.
A treasure-hunter in Ohio finds more than he expected, when his metal detector locates an Eastern Mediterranean pendant from 1000 bc.
Two caches of coins minted in Imperial Rome surface along the Ohio River.
A Smithsonian Institution archaeologist excavating a Native American burial mound in Tennessee removes a stone emblazoned with a second century Hebrew inscription. | mehr
Tree Houses. Fairy Tale Castles in the Air
Tree Houses. Fairy Tale Castles in the Air
Der Impuls, zum Schutz auf einen Baum zu klettern, oder um die Erde von oben zu betrachten, ist so alt wie die Menschheit selbst. Schon in frühen Zivilisationen gibt es Hinweise auf Baumhäuser – im Laufe der Geschichte entstanden sie eigentlich überall, wo die Vegetation sich gen Himmel reckt. In gewisser Hinsicht ist das Baumhaus sogar der Inbegriff von Architektur: im Boden verankert und doch über allem schwebend, geborgen und mit weitem Blick. | mehr
Across Atlantic Ice: The Origin of America"s Clovis Culture
Across Atlantic Ice: The Origin of America's Clovis Culture
Who were the first humans to inhabit North America? According to the now familiar story, mammal hunters entered the continent some 12,000 years ago via a land bridge that spanned the Bering Sea. Distinctive stone tools belonging to the Clovis culture established the presence of these early New World people. But are the Clovis tools Asian in origin? | mehr